
Reflections are a chronicle of our personal journeys in relationship with God and others. These stories illustrate the breadth and depth of the Christian experience, and we offer them to you for encouragement and inspiration in your own journey.

Following God in the Little Things

It was something simple, quiet and personal. Strangely, I noticed that a great temptation arose in me to let it slide, to simply brush this invitation aside as less urgent or necessary compared to the “important” work I am called to do

Do I Believe God is Faithful?

It’s confusing to realize that I both do and don’t believe. Will I ever not be surprised by the tensions that live within me?

Pride, Anger and Thwarted Lust

Ultimately, it was anger, pride and thwarted lust which drove justice, humanity and love out of the heart of this young man


Sometimes, though, I feel like we have this understanding that being a Christian makes us infinite, or at least capable of tapping into the infinite, and that capability absolves us from the need to change or put much work into changing or being changed

Peace that Surpasses All Understanding

Yet, as I considered all that needed to happen and be accomplished in such a short period of time, I felt overwhelmed with the thought. But surprisingly that was accompanied by a deep sense that everything was going to be all right.