Formation Articles

Formation articles are short, practical essays on various topics related to Christian spirituality. We've composed these articles to equip Christians in their work within the church and the broader culture.

2020 Year-End Reflection

It is tempting to leave 2020 in our rearview mirror and never look back. Yet, 2020 brought us valuable experiences that are worth reflection and consideration. What was God doing that we may have missed? Have we processed our emotions with God? What may we need to recognize in order to move into 2021 with our hearts open?

A Reflection on this Election-Seeking God's Perspective

Politics in America is fraught with contention and strife. As Christians, we can feel helpless, overlooked or embattled about the issues which face our country and the leaders who are in charge. But our God is unchanging in what may feel chaotic to us. In the midst of it all, it can be hard to know how to pray.

Creating an Organizational or Group Life Map

A life map is a self-reflection tool that individuals create to help them grasp the arc of their life story. You can use a life map to gain an overview of your life or to focus just on specific themes, like one’s hardships, joys or dreams.

Life Mapping Your Small Group, Church or Organization

Debbie was the first one to notice what made our recent weekend meeting special: everyone attending our Grafted Life Council Meeting was also there for our very first one 9 years ago.

Emotions: Facts on Faith and Feeling

Emotions tell us something. They may not be able to tell us the population of Thailand or whether God exists, but they are still there to provide information. They are signs that tell us the character of our souls and what is happening in them.