Stories Of Heart Change

Our spiritual walk with God often takes us in unanticipated directions. We've assembled a collection of formation stories from our staff and from individuals we've met through our ministry. These stories are the personal testimonies of people whom God has transformed and renewed.

Debbie Swindoll

"I'm not sure I've ever before or since had such a clear moment when I admitted that the way I was doing life was not working...."

Monica Romig Green

"The amazing thing about following God into the dark was that, over time, it turned into a journey into the light."

Ben Burkholder

"By being perfect and doing the most exemplary thing... I believed I deserved God’s love and favor. God, however, refused to play my game."

Cheri Hudspith

"I had tried lots of things to make myself feel better and behave better, and nothing was helping.... God was thrilled when I admitted I was a mess and needed help."

Carolann Duffin

"It didn't feel like a crisis of faith, but a crisis of life.... But as God began to work in me in the face of such little faith, I began to experience, on a much deeper level, what God's grace really means."